Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting

Wissenssicherer-System, Mitarbeiter- und Kunden-Onboarding, Mitgliederbereich

Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
4.98 out of 5
22 Reviews
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Wissenssicherer-System für Unternehmen und Experten auf Wachstumskurs. Digitalisiere Wissen und Prozesse um den Betrieb auf Autopilot zu stellen. Mit dem Wissenssicherer-System erklärst du alles nur noch 1x Mal statt 10x.

Für das Onboarding von Mitarbeitern und Kunden, im Coaching oder für den Führungswechsel.

Contact information

Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
Max-Pechstein-Straße 1
67061 Ludwigshafen am Rhein

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Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting

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5.00 out of 5
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Raising awareness

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Needs assessment

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22 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.98 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
I got to know Maurice on a seminar trip. We quickly had a very exciting exchange about what we do professionally.
My company is about health in a holistic sense. My wish was to scale our business model, which is currently still local. Through digitalization.
Maurice completely won me over from the very first meeting. His concept and the consistently first-class support fulfill my expectations 100%. I brought a 3-person team from the company on board for the planning. And here, too, everything went smoothly because Maurice has a great structure!
I initially thought about doing the whole system on my own because we also have very good employees in the company in the area of digital marketing. Looking back over the last 3 months, however, I can only say that it was the best decision to put the process in the hands of the "knowledge protector". It simply runs smoothly and is great fun!
Many thanks at this point to Maurice!
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/24/2024Alexander Eisenbrand
5.00 out of 5
As an AI consultant, I am currently creating my own community. Maurice and his team at Wissenssicherer supported us perfectly by choosing the ideal platform for our needs and assisting us with the setup. Together, we developed a well thought-out customer journey that enables us to provide our customers with an excellent onboarding experience. Maurice's deep understanding of digital processes and structures has significantly improved our approach, which continues to drive our growth. I strongly recommend Maurice Gundt to anyone looking to optimize their digital strategies and revolutionize customer and employee training.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/16/2024Mathias Wald
5.00 out of 5
We have been working with Maurice since this year and have only positive things to say so far. Communication, service and quality are very important to him. An absolute recommendation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
4.86 out of 5
Awesome guy. Perfect for someone like me who needs a good answer quickly.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/09/2024David Fichtler
5.00 out of 5
I have often heard of online academies and have also been introduced to some. The difference to Maurice Gundt is that he puts himself into the individual topic and gets the maximum out of it. Also the professional use of platforms that are then precisely tailored to fit and also the benefit of how you can always get a little more out of it for yourself. Absolutely recommendable

Patrick Kleinhenz
Founder and Managing Director of PKCatering
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/04/2024Patrick Kleinhenz
5.00 out of 5
Maurice helped me a lot when it came to finding my way through the online jungle. He has helped not only to provide training input but also to gain new customers. I will always recommend him to my clients. Top service. Top performance.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
5.00 out of 5
We at Wolf Marketing enjoy working with the knowledge expert and are happy to recommend Maurice to our customers. Maurice helped us set up our Wolf Marketing Academy for our customers. He supported us in setting up the technology and our automated processes and worked with us to develop a concept for our Wolf Marketing Academy. Thank you very much Maurice! We are very satisfied!
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/03/2024Anna Wolf
4.96 out of 5
We have been working successfully and trustingly with Maurice since 2016. At SPOBIS, Europe's largest sports and business conference, he advises and ensures that everything runs smoothly. He also coordinates and is responsible for the onboarding and training of our speaker supervisors and stage managers. The cooperation with Maurice is fundamental for us and contributes to the successful implementation of our events. We particularly appreciate his professionalism, reliability, patience, creativity and broad expertise.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
5.00 out of 5
I was immediately impressed by Maurice Gundt's expertise and suggestions for the implementation of my project. All my questions were answered comprehensively. I particularly liked the good availability, the friendly contact on the phone and the fast implementation. Maurice Gundt's experience is like a valuable treasure chest that is available to every customer in the same way.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/02/2024Tanja Stöcker
4.80 out of 5
Maurice has introduced an efficient way of working by systematizing all my office processes. His measures now enable me to smoothly onboard new employees, avoiding repeated explanations. Thank you - Maurice - from the bottom of my heart. It has saved me time so that I can devote myself to other important things.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/02/2024ASL Bodensee
5.00 out of 5
We at RATIOR have integrated the Wissenssicherer system into our processes and are delighted with it. The challenges posed by our rapid growth - especially the intensive training of new employees and sales partners - have been effectively mastered by the Wissenssicherer system. The development of three digital training areas has enabled us to optimize the induction process and avoid repetitive explanations. This now saves us a lot of time and resources and significantly increases satisfaction among employees, partners and customers. Thanks to the close cooperation and intensive 1:1 support, we are ideally positioned for the future. Thanks to the Wissenssicherer team led by Maurice Gundt. We are happy to recommend you to others and are grateful for the positive change you have brought about in our company.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/02/2024Tanja Schweikart
5.00 out of 5
With his knowledge and ideas as well as an impressive network that he made available to us, Maurice provided enormous support in the further development of our company. We are very grateful for the cooperation and support he has given us and highly recommend Maurice.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
04/02/2024Patrick Pfalzgraf (Hot Rod Crew Mannheim)
5.00 out of 5
Maurice supported me in setting up the VOCON Academy for the owners of my property management company. From the idea phase to helpful implementation tips. In addition, Maurice does not spare with tips, tricks and a lot of expert know-how on how you can set up your business more efficiently and better. Every appointment was full of valuable "diamonds" for me. I can highly recommend the knowledge expert.
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Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
5.00 out of 5
Ich kann Maurice zu 100 % empfehlen, er macht einen sehr guten Job, ist gut strukturiert und liefert exakt wie vereinbart. Auch als Mensch total nett, freundlich, zuverlässig und sympathisch.
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/27/2024Lukas Grigorescu
5.00 out of 5
Dank Maurice kann ich meine Klienten mittlerweile digital und ortsunabhängig betreuen. So ist nun Skalierung möglich und die Coaching-Ergebnisse meiner Kunden haben sich nochmals drastisch gesteigert.
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/27/2024Harry Richter
5.00 out of 5
In meiner Funktion als Geschäftsführer einer Firma für Eventtechnik hatte ich das Vergnügen, mit Maurice Gundt zusammenzuarbeiten, dessen Expertise als Wissenssicherer unverzichtbar für den Erfolg unserer Projekte war. Maurice zeichnet sich durch ein tiefgreifendes Fachwissen, eine außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit zur Problemlösung und eine hervorragende Kommunikationsstärke aus. Sein Engagement für Qualität und sein Bestreben, stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik und Methodik zu bleiben, haben maßgeblich zu unserem Erfolg beigetragen. Ich kann Maurice uneingeschränkt als herausragenden Fachmann in seinem Bereich empfehlen.
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/26/2024Marcel Heuser
5.00 out of 5
Meine Zusammenarbeit mit Maurice war geprägt von erstklassigem Kundenservice und herausragendem Fachwissen, was zu signifikanten Verbesserungen in meinem Unternehmen führte. Seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen anzugehen, hat nicht nur für nachhaltiges Wachstum gesorgt, sondern auch meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Besonders beeindruckend war die transparente und vertrauensvolle Kundenbeziehung, die Maurice aufbaut und pflegt, was ihnen einen festen Platz als wertvollen Partner in meinem Netzwerk sichert.
Seine Hingabe zur Kundenzufriedenheit und das ständige Bestreben, die Extrameile zu gehen, haben mich besonders überzeugt. Aufgrund dieser Erfahrungen empfehle ich Maurice uneingeschränkt weiter, vor allem für jene, die Wert auf maßgeschneiderte Beratung und echte Partnerschaft legen. Sein umfassendes Wissen und Engagement machen Ihn zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für Unternehmen, die nachhaltiges Wachstum anstreben.
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/26/2024Macus Weigmann
5.00 out of 5
Maurice ist super zuverlässig und liefert weit mehr als hundert Prozent Expertise in seiner Dienstleistung.
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
5.00 out of 5
Wir haben uns für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wissen sicherer entschieden, um unser Onboarding zu professionalisieren und eine Wissensdatenbank für die Mitarbeiter zu schaffen. Dabei hat Maurice Gundt uns ein System an die Hand gegeben, mit dem wir in kurzer Zeit einen enormen Mehrwert geschaffen haben. Der regelmässige Austausch und die zusätzlichen Impulse haben mir als Unternehmer sehr geholfen mehr Zeit für meine Aufgaben zu schaffen. Ich wünschte, ich hätte ihn schon früher kennen gelernt :-)
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/26/2024Mike Kleist
5.00 out of 5
Maurice Gundt hat mir mit seinem fundierten Fachwissen und seiner professionellen Herangehensweise geholfen, meine Ziele schneller zu erreichen, deshalb schätze ich ihn als zuverlässigen Experten, der stets kreative Lösungen für komplexe Probleme findet. Dank Maurice Gundts Unterstützung als Wissenssicherer kann jeder seine Projekt erfolgreich umsetzen. Seine Expertise und sein Engagement haben mich beeindruckt, deshalb kann ich ihn absolut weiterempfehlen❣️
Customer review & rating for:
Wissenssicherer | Maurice Gundt Consulting
03/26/2024Alexander S. Kaufmann - Der Lebensflüsterer
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